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In-container Node Development: Visual Studio Code


Getting Started

The first thing to notice is that you don’t actually need to have Node.js installed on your machine. You can just use Docker and your IDE. In this case we’re going to show you how to use Visual Studio Code.

We’ve created a simple application which includes an error. You can see the app in the app/ directory of this repository. You can either clone this repository, or create the files yourself. Make sure they’re all in the same directory. You will need the following files:

app.js defines a simple node app. It serves up index.html, refreshing every 2 seconds with quote from an array. Here’s what it looks like: Image of Browser with quotations from app

Let’s take a look at the Dockerfile:

FROM node:8.2.1-alpine


RUN npm install -g nodemon@1.11.0

COPY package.json /code/package.json
RUN npm install && npm ls
RUN mv /code/node_modules /node_modules

COPY . /code

CMD ["npm", "start"]

As you can see it installs nodemon, a utility that will monitor for any changes in your source and automatically restart your server.

You’ll start the app with the docker-compose.yml

version: "3"

    build: .
    command: nodemon -L --inspect=
      - .:/code
      - "8000:8000"
      - "5858:5858"

A few things are going on here:

Run the app

Using your terminal, navigate to the app directory (where the docker-compose.yml file is located) and start up the application:

$ docker-compose up

Docker Compose will build the image and start a container for the app. You should see this output:

Creating network "nodeexample_default" with the default driver
Creating nodeexample_web_1
Attaching to nodeexample_web_1
web_1  | [nodemon] 1.11.0
web_1  | [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
web_1  | [nodemon] watching: *.*
web_1  | [nodemon] starting `node --inspect= app.js`
web_1  | Debugger listening on port 5858
web_1  | HTTP server listening on port 80

The app is now running. Open up http://localhost:8000/ to see it in action, and take a moment to appreciate the poetry.

Image of Browser with quotations from app

It’s undoubtedly beautiful, but the problem is obvious: we’re outputting a blank message at the end before cycling back to the first line. It’s time to debug.

Start debugging

Open up the app directory in VSCode. Head over to the debugger by clicking the bug icon in the left-hand sidebar.

Image of VS Code with debugger icon highlighted

Create a boilerplate debugger config by clicking the gear icon and selecting “Node.js” in the dropdown.

Image of VS Code with gear icon highlighted

Image of VS Code dropdown list

A JSON file will be created and displayed (on the filesystem this file is located at app/.vscode/launch.json). Replace its contents with the following

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Attach",
            "type": "node",
            "request": "attach",
            "port": 5858,
            "address": "localhost",
            "restart": true,
            "sourceMaps": false,
            "outFiles": [],
            "localRoot": "${workspaceRoot}/",
            "remoteRoot": "/code"

There are three important changes here:

With the “Attach” config selected, click the “play” button to start the debugger. Image of VS Code attach icon

Now go back to app.js and find the line that reads lineIndex += 1 line, just after we initialize the message variable. Set a breakpoint by clicking in the gutter, just to the left of the line number. Image of VS Code breakpoint

If your browser window is still open and refreshing, in a second or two you should see it hit the breakpoint. If not, go back and refresh it – VSCode will pop back to the front as soon as the debugger hits it.

Hit the Play button at the top to resume code execution. It’ll hit the breakpoint every time the browser refreshes, which is every 2 seconds. You can see it cycling through the lines, and then the bug shows up – right after the last line, message gets set to undefined. Animated image of VS Code hititng breakpoint

The reason becomes clear if you open up the “Closure” section under “VARIABLES”: lineIndex has incremented to 4 – the length of the LINES array – when it should have been reset after getting to 3. We’ve got an off-by-one error. Image of VS Code lineIndex value

Fix the bug

Replace the > with >= in the conditional on the next line: Image of VS Code line 24 to fix

Now save the file. A second or two later, you should see the debugger detach and then reattach (the yellow line highlighting the breakpoint will disappear and reappear). This is because several things have just happened:

The debugger is now attached again. However, your browser tab might have errored out – go refresh it if so.

You can now step through the debugger once again and see that the lines cycle properly – no more undefined.

Animated image of VS Code hitting the breakpoint with line fixed

Remove the breakpoint and detach the debugger by clicking the stop button. Go back to the browser window and enjoy the updated experience.

Animated image of browser without error

And that’s it, you’re done!